Friday, March 19, 2010

Management has no real commitment to accountability

The lack of the most visible results of its CEO and some executives of today's economy highlights the need for accountability in all organizations and companies. Authority is able to avoid liability for their services, since the parties agree, not been able to provide them the appropriate rules. Responsibility acceptable program is not yet available. Government has sought to impose liability, but have the responsibility to be confused withDisclaimer.

The problem is that responsibility in the ethics of a concept with multiple meanings. For our purposes, the liability is simply stated as "being responsible for their actions." The responsibility is more than "Jones is liable if Smith Jones is obligated to inform described by Smith Jones (past or future) actions and decisions, justify, and / or punish any wrongdoing in the case of suffering"

What is the responsibilityand what is not!

As mentioned, accountability is often confused with the responsibility, is not the same. Responsibility for any expectation or belief must describe the behavior. This is a standard of personal and professional that you accept. Empowerment of May will be dictated or implied by law, regulation or by mutual agreement. The responsibility is not necessarily associated with the agreement. It focuses on debt and non-operatingconcentrated.

Importance for the success of your business

The importance of personal responsibility and accountability at work can not be overestimated compared to the success of your business. Because it focuses on process improvement rather than blame, is a basis for continuous improvement and overall productivity.

For positions of responsibility and recognition will be responsible forActions, products, decisions and directives. This includes the administration, management and operations in the role of the employee or of the situation and the obligation to inform, explain and responsible for the consequences.

Management by objectives and is therefore not in business for more?

Many of management by objectives (MBO) programs in the business world today are results oriented and Disclaimerconcentrated. This explains the frequency of less than spectacular performance on organizational performance. When I have never seen most of the objectives that have been written by managers and were hit from the moment they put on paper. Often in these cases, we find that the compensation program, the authority and responsibility of driving is not provided, a system of accountability throughout the organization. When this happens, the MBOThe program is not accepted as a condition of employment, is not compatible, but excited by managers and subordinates as a tool to conduct an extraordinary result.

Reliant usually non-poor among the objectives of multiple levels of managers and subordinates. Often, the goals of a manager's special, is not one of the objectives reflect subordinates two levels down. In some cases, the operator of the connection, but only because he or she expectedsubordinated to create your list of target

The impact of a program of good relations

A program of responsibility should be a roadmap for the effective functioning of the organization. There must be a link with the corporate mission, the obligations of the Company and its direct participation in society. It is an expression of connection between different levels of organization and across the board and the organization of staff. Only by definingThus, the organization can ensure that a responsible organization requires, for example. Remember, the responsibility of the head of the organization of a system that will be printed in both visible and controllable, and consistent with the vision and business mission.

Accountability is only half the battle

Remember that the responsibility is a process agreed at the bottom, you agree to be responsible for some activitiesHead from you is so important to success. In exchange, they agreed that could meet at some point and some other restrictions. This process requires a high degree of strategic and operational planning. You must follow a structure that people are more likely to register as a "buy-in. This should be a simple structure that is based on performance. Objectives should be realistic, based on time, with reasonable results, as expected, which means that theyreached. The work of each person must be mapped to show their vital activities and the important work that has considered the leader, whose work on the faculty of the mind.

Management, as usual is not enough

The type of performance management, we have seen in society, the government has "saved" will continue in all areas, if an effective system of accountability established in all enterprises. Director General will continueefficient, cost many jobs and trips to bankruptcy court. Companies need to have a good hard look at themselves and their results and see if it will finance activities in all sectors, a few inches

The parties must address all levels of responsibility for performance management. You must take a systematic approach to accountability and performance. Performance bonuses should be linked to performance through a framework of accountabilityProcess or program.

Companies with the adoption and adherence to a structured program of responsibility for global economic crisis will be strengthened and sustained growth for long.