Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Talent management - talent retention

talent retention is a serious problem for many companies today. Whenever a talented director or employee, often leave valuable knowledge and know-how for making and leave a void that can take time and money to fill. But why do companies struggle to keep their talent, and why disillusioned and leave the talent?

Usually there are a number of different causes to this problem. It 'possible that the individual talents andManagers have agreed to increase what they see as the manager of the organization. The result is often seen as "competitors" because they feel their personal career interests in direct conflict. If the operator is "behavior blocking" and prevent the progression of talent will soon become disillusioned and leave.

Another reason why talent leaves because they are "hijacked" by their superiors.talented people who want to expand the opportunities to prove themselves, but administrators may perceive that the disclosure of their personnel, to expand opportunities to learn and grow is a very risky business. When you're responsible for what has the talent, do not want their reputation or his career in jeopardy because it has a special talent failed. The result is that talent does not feel tense, they become frustrated and leave.

The last reason isas above, that the size or width of the economy is not enough career "promotion" of opportunity. For the next step, the talent, to wait many years before someone has to retire, and are not willing to do.

How can companies avoid the talent left? The key is a talent management program for executives who see where these problems can be identified and treated. In addition,Companies need to provide managers with the skills to manage their talent and help them take advantage of the talent development for themselves, their equipment and, finally, to understand the success of the company.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Course and management - a comparison

Every golfer has ever heard the saying, "Drive for show. Putt for dough." know that the game is won or lost less than 100 feet from the hole, while ignoring the basic chip, putting shots sand - rather than opting for units of glamor. Go to a driving range and see what each club. If there is a chipping area, were invited to go, no! The same is true for managers. They ignore the fact that does not mean that things such as vision and strategy in the absence of his HockeFundamentals. E 'strategy difficult, for example, if a project is not completed in time for implementation.

Most golfers want to practice. You want to play. It is a matter of time. Log in long hours on the golf course. Her husband has been confirmed! Unfortunately, the time spent on what it takes. Of course, some subscribe to the cover of Golf Digest or press from time to time, but are not ready to learn in time to master a new skill to be bound. Therefore, remainthe same mistakes. You should also avoid certain associations to safeguard the ability not to grow. It ends with the wrong tool for the job. Sometimes it can happen. Often hinder their chances of success.

The same applies to the administration. Organisations, in particular veterans, did not want to worry about training. Surely you do not want to practice honing their craft. Many put in tons of overtime, but you can fly with the wind,what they do from day to day. They left the time to work on improving. A small percentage also read all the books on time management, but few act on the lessons. They have their "best" methods they use, regardless of the circumstances, with much less success. To maximize performance, a manager must continue to learn and develop your tools.

Have you ever been walking through the decorated golferlatest in golf apparel designer? Any dynamic club and golf bag, which features as thin as a small apartment. They seem a lot more about how they affected the game, and it shows in the final - "Forgotten Hits" with the Mulligans, hands and corners Many managers are no different They dress the part. and we are proud of the latest gadgets - PDA, best, laptop computers smaller and more powerful (fasterE-mail read!), Office furniture, soft toys, etc. You can not deny that attention to planning a good image and some tools may be useful, but the fact is that no replace the basics. If a manager and his team can not unfounded or Armani suits, luxury means to compensate. part that makes it worse. Witness the popular Dilbert comic strip.

Golf, like most sports is a game of confidence. If you do notYou are doomed to failure. If you think you have the ball, yes. If you are a case of cramps, while others feel. In addition, team members may feel a lack of confidence in their manager. To conduct a successful manager must build trust. Just winning and losing, it is. It comes from learning and achieving new skills. If you are working to improve learning from their mistakes, and when the team has achieved success, you feel good about yourself. You, Do not need to know or do everything. You know how to face and make difficult decisions. You learn to gravitate toward the unpleasant tasks and complete for the good of the team and organization.

OK, there are many similarities between golf and management - in fact, much more than those described here. What is the difference? Some of them.

In the game of golf there is a Titanic metric is inevitable - the score. This is aImpartial, cut and dry way to evaluate the performance of a hand played. In addition, the average number of shots from a series of towers (called disabilities), in collaboration with the difficulties, of course, also determines the skill level of golfer.

Metrics vary widely in their managers, both in number and in their ability to accurately measure performance. Surprisingly, some managers are no figures at all. The effort is entirely arbitrary, and I love it! Of course,metric data can lie and lie can understand, and administrators to do their part - sandbags and manipulation of numbers in their favor. Similarly, the players can cheat and cheat! Whenever a player starts his guests said it was not the last hole, great! Some players and managers feel compelled to try to convince others (and sometimes even seem to be convinced) that are better than they really are. Administrators must leave the ego at home, you can create accurateMetrics and constant work with you to improve performance.

Although it may be, is not usually play golf on a computer, while management is, or at least should be treated on a computer. Therefore, if a golfer screws until he used his influence / herself. Management is another ball game together. In fact, I do not play at all. A manager can ruin a serious impact on the lives of many others - more reason to workOK!

The good news is that, unlike the Gulf, a general manager, is not alone. Of course, golfers have a great image for help, but most fly alone. Manager on the other hand, many people can turn for help. The current leader, former managers and colleagues can help. Ask for help. Take it and release it.

For all the frustrations that golf can (because it is so difficult to hit the ball? It's just sitting there!) There is to be compared with the emotionHitting a ball directly into the "sweet spot", or sink a putt from 30 feet for a birdie. This allows the golfer to forget the poor shots, even in the next that caught out of bounds. Similarly, we are feeling a little more than a manager as a witness a member of the team or the team to succeed. It has all the administrative problems and personal interest.

It 'important, such as golf, management is not just a shot. There's a hole, and is not a game DoHundreds of times by hundreds of hours of practice for backup. Consistency is the key, and then reliability. There will always be mistakes. The wheel bearings and plop obligations on the dangers of water. Guidelines sticks, shouting, screaming and does not help. Learning from mistakes, practice, and it is terribly difficult. approach to every manager is different?

According to a study by International Golf a few years ago, 80% of golfers never achieve a handicap of 18 or less, and107th with 18-hole golf course could probably also some scratches and other managers, but would be greater if the specter of a director? With practice and dedication to continuous improvement, double bogey Manager to the next level. Despite the crowd. Keep Swinging Manager! Practice, practice, practice.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Chinese Management Style

There are really some cultural difference between Western management and Chinese management. I will be sharing one example of the Chinese management style as the following. Basically I share some ideas of what you should do when you are meeting up with Chinese Businessman.

Te Business Meeting with the Chinese


Try and work out the management structure of the Chinese organization. Often the person with the most impressive title is not the one who makes the decisions.
Carry plenty of business cards to distribute.
All documentation should be presented in both Chinese and English.
Language should be kept as straightforward as possible to assist the interpreter.

Using interpreters

An interpreter will be required at most meetings and their role is central to the success of the negotiations.
Ideally a member of your staff should be trained up as he/she will understand the nature of the business under discussion.
An interpreter?s understanding of local dialects (i.e. Shanghaiese) is vital for accurate comprehension.

Before the meeting, check that your interpreter can translate technical or business related words, as well as any numbers which may be mentioned
All documentation should be available to the interpreter.
Agree on signals the interpreter can use to let you know if he/she cannot follow what you are saying.
The process will be slow with an interpreter, so be patient. Take breaks often, as this will allow the interpreter to fully brief any additional remarks made during the conversation.
If your interpreter?s sentences are consistently shorter than yours, take a break to check they fully understand what you are saying.
If your party includes other Chinese members, do not make your interpreter lose face by having the other members openly question their translation, except in moments of serious confusion.
Attempt to make eye contact through the interpretation process.

Gift giving

Corporate gift giving is an expected part of the Chinese business scene. Make sure the gifts take the form of objects and not money. Items like pens or a book from your native country. All gifts should be wrapped, but do not expect them to be unwrapped in your presence.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Risk Management

Risk Management is the process of measuring, or assessing risk and developing strategies to manage it. Strategies include transferring the risk to another party, avoiding the risk, reducing the negative effect of the risk, and accepting some or all of the consequences of a particular risk. Traditional risk management focuses on risks stemming from physical or legal causes.

Financial risk management, on the other hand, focuses on risks that can be managed using traded financial instruments. Regardless of the type of risk management, all large corporations have risk management teams and small groups and corporations practice informal, if not formal, risk management.

An ideal risk management starts with establishing the context, inclusive of the identity and objectives of stakeholders, the basis upon which risks will be evaluated and defining a framework for the process, and agenda for identification and analysis. The next step in the process is to identify potential risks--events that, when triggered, cause problems.

Hence, risk identification can start with the source of problems, or with the problem itself. Once identified, they must then be assessed as to their potential severity of loss and to the probability of occurrence. After which, a decision on the combination of methods to be used for each risk shall be made. Each risk management decision should be recorded and approved by the appropriate level of management.

In as much as no initial risk management plans will be perfect practice, experience, and actual loss results will necessitate changes in the plan and contribute information to allow possible different decisions to be made in dealing with the risks being faced. In the end, risk analysis results and management plans should be reviewed, evaluated, and updated periodically.

Risk management also faces difficulties in allocating resources. This is the idea of opportunity cost. Resources spent on risk management could have been spent on more profitable activities. Again, ideal risk management minimizes spending while maximizing the reduction of the negative effects of risks.

If risks are improperly assessed and prioritized, time can be wasted in dealing with risk of losses that are not likely to occur. Spending too much time assessing and managing unlikely risks can divert resources that could be used more profitably. Unlikely events do occur but if the risk is unlikely enough to occur it may be better to simply retain the risk and deal with the result if the loss does in fact occur.

Prioritizing too highly the risk management processes could keep an organization from ever completing a project or even getting started. This is especially true if other work is suspended until the risk management process is considered complete.

Risk management is simply a practice of systematically diagnosing, quantifying severity, selecting cost effective approaches for minimizing the effect of threat realization of the risks to the organization. All risks can never be fully avoided or mitigated simply because of financial and practical limitations. Therefore all organizations have to accept some level of residual risks.

Copyright 2007 Ismael D. Tabije

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Understanding Project Management

The main challenge of this project is the management often depicted with all objectives achieved within existing constraints. normal limits that exist are now scope and budget. Another problem arises when it is time to optimize the allocation and integration of inputs within the definition of these goals for a particular project. Although this challenge is the secondary in the first, and there shouldaccordingly. A project is considered a temporary commitment that has a beginning and an end. This is often limited by factors such as time or date, but can be strongly influenced by funding. A project has to change is helpful or add value to the organization.

When it comes to business management, a number of approaches that can be used. These include flexible, interactive, incremental and gradual.No matter what method is used, particular attention must always be given to the entire project schedule and goals. The roles and responsibilities of all stakeholders, and those who have an interest in the company should be considered as well.

The traditional approach is often used and can adapt to many different situations. This phased approach identifies a sequence of steps. This approach allows the project manager and teamdistinguished members of five different components of a project. This control includes four stages and development. There are steps that are typical of nature. They are the beginning of the planning process or under development, performance or execution, monitoring and control of the scene, and finally to an end. All these steps must occur for normal development. They are all very important to the overall success and play an important role in the realization of the futurebusiness decisions and activities. That is why project management exists and why it is present in all aspects of a business.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

project management requires good planning

Project management is a very important part of society and includes the organization and management of corporate resources, so that the desired project is completed financial reasons within a specified period, including the scope. Project management is a work project in time and it takes time to find a product or a service unique to the normal society.

A project can be completed on time and with the right skills and techniquesThe philosophy, which in itself is the project management. It is not just for big projects, small projects. The first part of the management of the project is to develop a project plan with the points of discussion about the project.

All words were heard on all matters relating to the draft agreement. Make sure you know what results you expect. After all this is off, the list must have the necessary things to start and finishThe project. Here is a list of all the resources and logistics and a realistic map of the things you want to do from beginning to end.

Once you've drawn a map, plan a project game, you should follow. With the program, you will know in advance if and when to speed things up on time. Ensure that experienced staff to manage the project by an efficient human resources and situation. It makes no sense the market leader in a positionwhen they are surrounded by an incompetent staff. Praising employees and their achievements to motivate.

When working with a group of shareholders, the management plan of the project requires good communication, information flow of the stairs to the parties. With this plan, information on the people involved with regard to delays and misunderstandings are avoided.

Therefore it may be difficult to see that project management is not really somethingonly follows the principle of hard work and careful planning to ensure a smooth project from start to finish the project.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Different Types of Management Jobs

What is it about management jobs that people are always aspiring towards? Is it the perks that come with the position, such as an attractive pay package, discounts (where applicable), power of authority, challenging goals to reach etc? Whatever the reasons maybe behind people desiring the role of an authoritarian-type role in any business, it is one thing to desire a role and another to actually fulfil the demands of a manager.

For people keen on taking on management jobs will need to take into consideration the varying roles management positions take on. Take for instance management in the retail industry, this role may be very customer-centred and may require plenty of customer interaction, communication amongst people and of course managing staff so that they reach target sales. However, within the retail industry there are different managerial roles for instance assistance managers, duty managers, deputy area managers, area managers and regional managers. Each role is a step up from the other and requires a lot of retail experience for people to move up in the career ladder.

Management within the healthcare industry would be different to that of the retail industry. Healthcare management is an extremely demanding job and requires extensive knowledge of everything medical related. Things like hospital management requires the manager to be on top form when managing staff, keeping on top of medical supplies, working within budgets, monitoring hospital care and patient care, dealing with patient issues, dealing with legal issues, administrating hospitals and healthcare networks, and leadership of healthcare professionals. This is just one aspect of healthcare management and could encompass much more than what is stated above.

Other management jobs could be in a standard corporate environment, whereby the role could be to draw up plans, manage projects, reach to target goals, forecast the financial market in the future, scope competitive companies, predict the target market direction, coming up with marketing strategies and more. Depending on the management jobs you are interested in it could take you a matter of months or years to reach to that level.

The key thing to remember is for you to show tenacity, motivation, working to your own initiative, expert knowledge of the field you intend work in and plenty of experience from working within that industry. People tend not to take on a role without having prior experience in the field that they are going to work in, otherwise they will be faced with a big surprise. Some may be able to take on a completely new role and pick things up quickly without any supervision however not everybody are as gifted and talented as this.

The fact remains for a person to work in a managerial role without having worked in the company they are applying for, they will need to present a resume that exhibits many years of experience as well as in-depth knowledge of the industry. Most employers will not take the risk of hiring an inexperienced person unless they impress them so much on the day of the interview and can demonstrate a high level of intelligence!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Management and Business Administration

forms of management and management of our business because we can not imagine life without work. Life is meaningless without a job. Man is like a punishment from God given.

Perhaps that is why our leaders with us or give us the pressure, which does not do. It may be the reason that pose obstacles to the completion of various tasks in the face of work. But in general, life is incomplete without a job.

There are many activitiesthat every day, and these activities are divided into two categories. We have the first category, which is not cheap. Non-economic activities related to love, humanity and compassion. It is not intended to create all the wealth of people who commit them.

The second category is that of economic activities that generate income for people who want to do. They create wealth savings.

As a businessman, who is in the category of economic activity. Your companyenforcement actions, the people they employ. These employees are at different levels of management. Want to ministry effective and efficient man, but simply good management to your.

So what is the management of this company is important in your? I borrow the definition of an educated man, who is ... S. George said: "Management is always the other, through the efforts ofPeople. "Sounds good, because you want to run their business activities other administrators.

Eight distinctions between management and administration

1. The administration's policy on the determination of the management of the main sources of lead in this policy.

2. The government is considering and determining the duties and functions of management is the means to do so.

3. Administration makes decisions of majorThe decisions of management, and when the administration has to leave.

4. The management is an activity level of the upper part of each company, while management is a level of half of any business.

5. The Authority is composed of business owners who have their initial investment in it and what is perceived as a reward for the management of payments is a group of people who are qualified to provide services to business and getThe form of wages. Such persons as designated employees.

6. Management is a term that is common in organizations, governments, religious and military management training at a time when ordinary commercial organizations.

7. The Administration said that the organization of man's efforts in the implementation of plans and strategies of each company during the implementation of management agreements with the management of human activitiesThe plans and strategies of business organizations.

8. In the administrative functions of planning and organization are involved, while the functions of command and control of motivation to participate.

In conclusion, the distinction is, management decisions affecting the configuration of the main objectives, policy and administration to respond to such policies and decisions.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The growth of the event management

The concept of event management regarding the application of management science for the development of festivals and events. In this case, the time management industry, in particular, is one of the fastest growing areas in the world. design and implementation of an event can be very difficult.

Event Management is an area of millions of nuclear weapons, the semantics includes the organization of events of different sizes y. staff functions or parties, such asWeddings and birthday parties are important social problems which must be managed professionally done. All sorts of events including conferences, seminars, exhibitions, conferences, product launches are all in terms of good behavior for the organization of an event is detected. Event Management, etc. involved in various events, such as personal events, entertainment, events, cultural events, religious events, corporate events

Come and see the number of celebrities,performances by international artists, first, road shows, competitions, ramp, fashion shows, weddings, corporate parties or personal magic shows, birthday parties, party birthday parties, kitty, New Year, Christmas Day functions Annual events at school or university and more. All the industry charity, corporate events and group of a certain type and size of market, money or celebrate.

Behind all the events, not of paperNativity of the event, which normally plan and execute the event. Organizing events is not an easy task, even if it is an art and event planner, management and organization, it is. Organisation of events includes many activities, such as the place to be comfortable right decision, to find all and give their views on the big and must be moved. The decor is also very important in organizing an event. It should be the motto of the event. Meals and other drugs should also be keptinto account.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The importance of Corporate Performance Management

performance management of the company enhances a company. It has three important values for the company. This is the dissemination of information, monitoring performance and efficiency. These values help to understand, manage and improve the business climate. performance management system, coordinating the performance of managers, employees, customers and suppliers in an integrated environment.

The basic elements of business performance> The management is to provide information and strategic planning. CPM is the main access to decision-making process relevant information directly. With a clear understanding of the facts of society can make decisions to improve performance to consider. performance monitoring, a comprehensive overview of information. PMO provides a view of the power required for the administration, the economy will contribute to effective delivery. help companies optimizeManagers and policy makers clear objectives and work together. CPM offers energy efficiency is needed.

Corporate Performance Management System combines the management of work processes and unique interactive collaboration. Dashboards and reports can improve finances, operations and labor. Web-based collaboration capabilities and distribution of improved communications. The performance management systemcan reduce the planning, forecasting and reporting in time of data entry and analysis. It integrates business strategies, business processes and measures of entrepreneurial activity.

Corporate Performance Management provides accurate financial information on a day the daily activities of people, equipment and procedures. It is possible to develop detailed plans and individual relationships. It helps the organization to return to report the entry and exit with the client to maintain. CMP can reduceProblems with the submission of financial and operational partners.

Corporate Performance Management is used in health and pharmaceutical science. Might the application of performance management and clinical products. CPM is used in the financial sector in the mortgage market, the emergence of claims and reporting of risks. Corporate performance management is important in manufacturing. It 'important for the planning, supply chain andproduction management performance. application of the PRC is important for the aerospace and defense of civil society. Other important aspects of the management of CPM retail performance, supplier management, management of police performance in the public sector.