Monday, December 6, 2010

Management and Business Administration

forms of management and management of our business because we can not imagine life without work. Life is meaningless without a job. Man is like a punishment from God given.

Perhaps that is why our leaders with us or give us the pressure, which does not do. It may be the reason that pose obstacles to the completion of various tasks in the face of work. But in general, life is incomplete without a job.

There are many activitiesthat every day, and these activities are divided into two categories. We have the first category, which is not cheap. Non-economic activities related to love, humanity and compassion. It is not intended to create all the wealth of people who commit them.

The second category is that of economic activities that generate income for people who want to do. They create wealth savings.

As a businessman, who is in the category of economic activity. Your companyenforcement actions, the people they employ. These employees are at different levels of management. Want to ministry effective and efficient man, but simply good management to your.

So what is the management of this company is important in your? I borrow the definition of an educated man, who is ... S. George said: "Management is always the other, through the efforts ofPeople. "Sounds good, because you want to run their business activities other administrators.

Eight distinctions between management and administration

1. The administration's policy on the determination of the management of the main sources of lead in this policy.

2. The government is considering and determining the duties and functions of management is the means to do so.

3. Administration makes decisions of majorThe decisions of management, and when the administration has to leave.

4. The management is an activity level of the upper part of each company, while management is a level of half of any business.

5. The Authority is composed of business owners who have their initial investment in it and what is perceived as a reward for the management of payments is a group of people who are qualified to provide services to business and getThe form of wages. Such persons as designated employees.

6. Management is a term that is common in organizations, governments, religious and military management training at a time when ordinary commercial organizations.

7. The Administration said that the organization of man's efforts in the implementation of plans and strategies of each company during the implementation of management agreements with the management of human activitiesThe plans and strategies of business organizations.

8. In the administrative functions of planning and organization are involved, while the functions of command and control of motivation to participate.

In conclusion, the distinction is, management decisions affecting the configuration of the main objectives, policy and administration to respond to such policies and decisions.