Sunday, February 28, 2010

The management of the company - the directors and officers

The companies are nonprofit and are available to achieve specific goals and objectives of the meeting of sales and profits for the hungry to eat too much. Boards of directors and management to develop these businesses, the strategies for achieving these objectives and policies that the company advance. Each state has different standards for determining the number of officials and administrators are required, the nature of the agents needed (president, secretary and treasurer, for example), and if aindividual can have multiple offices.

The Chief Executive Officer and President of the objectives and policies, and other executives and the board. Typically, this person is totally responsible for everything that happens in society. With the Sarbanes-Oxley is a great responsibility of this class.

The head of operations, oversees the general operations of the company and provides general direction for the dayThe application of enterprise policy.

Chief Financial Officer oversees the financial targets and organizational objectives and the preparation of budgets and financial policies. In general, he or she makes the decisions for mutual funds, the needs of insurance and risk management, treasury management and capital management.

The CIO is a relatively new team in charge of the company. This person is responsible for technology Using the company, including policies relating to usability and security.

In a small company, the secretary general, often contain one of the previous track as well. The Secretary provides a focal point for communication between the board of directors, executives and other employees of the company.

This is also the treasurer of these companies is often the CFO in a small business. In general, the treasurer provides similar services, subject to risk> Management and control of finances and accounting.

In a small company with several officers of a company that allows leaders to reconsider how the signature and the document distributed leadership and interaction with external agencies, such as lawyers and accountants.

When you create a team to take their business to the next level, the highest-ranking officials of his team and their responsibilities with confidence. If you find that youAddressing all levels of society issues in person, you can not have the right people in place.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Gossip and its impact on the performance management system

Gossip and its impact on the performance management system


In any organization, there are two types of people who work and those that do not. The more you can work in three categories - high-performance, average performance and poor performance are classified. We have training tools and methods to improve the performance of our people and move them into the category of "average performance" to "high performance". Those who do not work, notDirectorate General for them and they are the "Gossip Mongers known" (The Chamcha's). The growth of these race Chamcha is on par (if not more) with high efficiency. Why? And 'this is what we call management "performance"? Where are the human resource managers and human resource policy? Until now, until I tried to address these problems.

Who are these "Gossip Mongers"? How can you identify? Are you one?

Here are the features of "The Chamcha's":

1) In general, to see these people in the cab of his head.

2) If you are in the office or in town ... Find employment ... demand with the leaders.

3) Over the weekend, you can also see these people in the homes of their leaders.

4) Are you the one who knows all the little things on their heads bit '... for what we eat? Her favorite clothing ... Color ... Hobbies ... etc. etc. etc.

5) On Monday morning the first thing to do is ... to share with themThe leaders of what they did during the weekend? When I went to the picnic ... so ... and with whom, where, when I went to the cinema ... Cinema ... ... etc. etc. etc.

6) The following are not team players. They just work ... things that are attributed directly by their employers.

7) In any case, decide to work ... to make much noise.

(Do you remember a different quality?)

Why and how harmful?

Some of you may remember that these people arenot harmful, and not worry. But this is a behavior as human or the human psyche. If someone tells you to start your head ... very often and very often ... you like or who are the first ... Your boss can not ignore ... But little by little began to believe. This is the same way, works in advertising ... "... At one point to bear attacks, which wants to buy." This tactic is more harmful, XYZ, based on the same site as their leader and Chamcha.

IfTimes of Bollywood movie ... 'Omkara' ... This happened to Omi (Ajay Devgan) ... If Längd Tyagi (Saif Ali Khan) has performed his tricks.

Who is responsible?

Of course, this is the responsibility of managers, but stop ... who promote these things in Office. I am so happy with their status as "His boss, look no further. ... For their functions, leadership as a coach or mentor only" theory. The problem is acute with "new" or "First TimeHeads. ... You are insecure at the top, they know things like "Who said anything about what they are when they are there?" What conversations and their subordinates to think of them? These habits ... "Office Politics."

When next time ... Call the boss in his cabin and say: "I have heard or that" ... You should know where they came from. I remember an incident like this, there was a problem with a salary of our staff and I was happy to have shared this ...with one and only one of my colleagues and the next ... My boss gave me a lecture on the topic. He knows almost all the time ... the person behind.

The valuation day

1. The Chamcha all get what they want.

2. The high performance ... demand what they want.

3. The interpreter is something the average American ... a prize and a warning.

4. The average yield of less than getting nothing ... few hazards, and some tears.


To counter this phenomenon, asThe culture and practice in the business world, smart people and thinkers ... things like the proposal ... 360 ... 270-degree appraisal systems. People like ... It is also proposed for the order and regularity "of management performance "..." HR Metrics ... but these things have not gone through this kind of test is estimated chacha and not dramatically and drastically in this region. We are used to ensure "that the culture of cheerfulness and butter", which are not fromit.

The leader ... what you think. They must show their "raison d'etat" and "quality of leadership." You have to be sure ... what they do and believe. You should also ask if this person (Chamcha) has proved its power .. . to eliminate its position on damages and that these people are not comfortable to use.

The leader of the truth ... if they want to remain at the head and grow a company "Leaders "..." Coaches and mentors. ... Without doubt, bring us a lot ... but firm "entrepreneurs "..." management gurus" ... and mentors


If not all the time, but especially ... Human Resources Department deals with gossip. In fact, the Center for political office. If the people at ground level to a lower level ... ... with the categories below ... share with someone in Human Resources Department would like to ... then this is the reason. There is talk of declineLoyalty of employees "and" employees' trust "... If this is the "corporate culture" ... and if so, how to evaluate employees ... If these are the parameters for production management ". .. These sentences (employee loyalty) ... remains an important dream. Employee performance can be handled by sitting in rooms with air conditioning. There are N number of factors are taken into consideration ... the need to manage the performance of their employees.

Have a thought forand share your views, opinions and observations.

Take care of yourself.

Have a great day and enjoy.


Sanjeev Himachali

(Mobile: 91-9876328841)

(E-mail:; sanjeev.himachali @

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Women in management and because we

Here, we are only forty years after the first women burned bras and more - we have full equality in the modern workplace. Make no mistake: this is simply not enough! Our workplaces are, in essence, despite everything, still male-dominated hierarchies in the old model of command and control management of the generally accepted date, then.

To examine this issue in a pragmatic way, men and womenotherwise wired people - and not a joke - they actually have these differences in brain anatomy. So what? Now, this means that in reality it does, then the two sexes think differently, which means that men are the majority of prisoners are male dominance hierarchies thinking - we need more women in management.

Our companies should promote more women in positions of leadership. This is not a diatribe that someone has said, the unjust status quo - is a concrete proposal for aSolution for many organizations today. To break the routine, you'll see that many of our organizations to implement, we need a new approach and this approach is just outside the traditional model.

In the book of costume 8 Stephen Covey, who advocates the creation of a "new paradigm" - a new card - the practice of modern management in the workplace. Suggests that the old command and control leadership style deathwater, and a new style for the 21st century is necessary. My belief is that the paradigm shift can be accessed by attracting more women to positions of leadership in our organizations.

The female brain is known that the connections between the hemispheres of the brain than men. This anatomic evidence of May, the popular notion that women are better able to multitask than men. It is this fundamental difference in the wiring, which is responsiblefor a holistic style of thinking women - a greater commitment of the right hemisphere of the brain involved in the process of solving problems.

It's time for a revolution in management circles. It is time for the rightful place of women as full equal modern take on the job. Organizations, the courage to recognize the effectiveness of this measure shall prevail, and eventually be followed by others.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Business and Management Terminology - Demystifying the Confusion

My online research has revealed that there are a lot of people out there searching for information on how to write key documents and statements that are used to manage companies and organizations every day.

I'm not talking about business reports or business proposals here; I'm referring to key management terms that, when applied, usually result in the creation of reports and proposals. Terms like: mission, vision, objectives, goals, strategies, results, policies, guidelines, directives, procedures, standards, and more.

If your organization uses terms such as "corporate mission" or "corporate objective", you probably know how important it is to have a common understanding of these terms and how to write them in clear and consistent language.

Buzzwords Baffle Brains...

In one of my previous incarnations in the world of bureaucracy I was in charge of strategic planning and policy development for an entire organization. It wasn't long before I realized that most people in the organization were throwing around all kinds of management "buzzwords" without us having a collective understanding of what the other folks in the organization were talking about. It turned out that one person's "vision" was another person's "mission"; what were corporate goals for some, were corporate objectives for others.

These misunderstandings and/or misalignments of terminology permeated the entire organization, from senior management, right on down to the people who were doing the actual work. In fact, if you took the time to read through an array of corporate documents; from operational plans at the working level, to strategic plans at the overall corporate level, it was impossible to clearly align them due to the widespread misuse of key corporate terminology.

Because of this situation, when it came to developing the key statements and documents that were needed to manage the organization and communicate its priorities and plans, the right-hand most often didn't know what the left-hand was doing.

Getting On The Same Page

Realizing the seriousness of this problem in our organization, the big boss asked me to conduct research into this subject and come up with a proposed "hierarchy of management terminology" that we could all buy into and use in a consistent fashion.

That's exactly what I did. It took a few drafts and a lot of discussion between drafts, but eventually we did develop a set of "Guidelines For the Use of Standard Management Terminology" to be used by everyone in the organization. The guidelines we developed divided the key management terms into two overall categories: Management Terms and Organizational Facilitators.

Management Terms

The six(6) key management terms included in this first group are all used to describe the priorities, activities and outputs of an organization. Theses terms are: vision, mission, objectives, goals, strategies and results.

Organizational Facilitators

The second group of terms is made up of five(5) "facilitators" which are actual tools or instruments used by an organization to implement the organizational imperatives that are specified by the hierarchy of management terms above. These management facilitators are: policies, guidelines, directives, procedures and standards.

Bottom Line:

As I stated above, I spent a lot of time researching this lexicon of terms and facilitators. Although other approaches do exist, I believe that the one that I was involved in developing embodies a certain logic and symmetry that can be employed by any type of organization, large or small; for defining, executing, and evaluating its corporate mandate and activities.

Of course, the most important lesson here is how important it is to the well-functioning of any organization that everyone is speaking the same language when it comes to widely used management terminology.

If you are interested in a more detailed discussion of these terms you can check out the link after this paragraph. There you will find the following additional information: short definitions for each term, links to individual pages for each term containing additional background, examples of how to use the term, and tips on how to write the statements or documents that utilize the management term being described.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Hospital Quality Management Effectiveness Self Assessment

This self administered assessment poses statements regarding specific attributes that I have determined to be critical quality markers. It is designed to help you move beyond a "gut feel" to see how your organization stacks up against a variety of critical dimensions of quality. Hopefully you will learn something that challenges your assumptions about what it will take for your organization to establish a true environment of quality and patient safety.

For each of the following statements, score yourself as follows based on your reaction to the statement:

4 points: Strongly Agree 3 Points: Agree 2 Points: Disagree 1 point: Strongly Disagree.

After recording your reaction to all 15 statements, add up your total and refer to the evaluation at the bottom of the form.

______ The ability to provide demonstrably high quality patient care is a key element of our Strategic Plan.

______ We have a strong imperative for quality improvement in our organization, driven by our Executive Leadership.

______ We have effectively defined what constitutes quality, and have developed a robust set of objective measures to monitor it on a routine periodic basis.

______ We have an aggressive set of quality performance goals.

______ Our quality measures include consideration of care processes, outcomes and resource utilization.

______ We periodically benchmark our quality performance against other organizations and find that our performance is similar to Top Performers.

______ With regard to Joint Commission accreditation, we are survery ready every day.

______ We routinely provide quality performance information to our Board, our employees and Physicians, and to the community.

______ Our employees and physicians believe we have effective and efficient clinical care processes.

______ Our care processes are based on current medical best practice evidence

______ Our We have the organizational skill and capacity to develop and implement effective quality performance improvement initiatives.

______ Our approach to quality assurance incorporates concurrent intervention techniques.

______ We have tools and technologies that enhance our caregivers' ability to provide quality care at the point of care.

______ We have a culture of safety that is understood and embraced by all employees.

______ Our Physicians understand and are aligned with our Quality Management strategy.


54 - 60 Top Performer. Your organization understands the core elements of Quality Management and is well positioned to remain a leading quality provider in your market. Quality is inherent in your culture and you are continuously improving your performance. What to do next? Consider developing a Quality Innovation or Accelerated Quality Implementation program to infuse a fresh new level of effectiveness into your quality management organization.

48 - 54 Aspiring Performer. You are a solid quality provider, but the competition is not far behind. What to do next? Assess how your organization rates against each of the five Critical Quality Markers to clearly define your organizations strengths and weaknesses, and develop your Blueprint for Strategic Quality Management Success.

< 48 Challenged Performer. While you recognize that quality is important, your organization's culture, processes and infrastructure do not support effective quality management. Quality performance is mixed, and significant improvements are elusive. What to do next? Consider developing a comprehensive Quality Management Strategy to create a tailored program that will transform your organization's quality and patient safety culture and capabilities.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Primary Advantages of Content Management System

Are you suffering from stale, old and static website content? Then you need a good content management system for your company to take greater heights.

In the event that your company is not HTML or other related languages, CMS much better option. This system allows you to not make relevant changes in your content without hiring a programmer to. It gives you the freedom to edit, delete, modify, and remove any content that you want from a website, even if you do not allHTML language. Normally, there are some differences in features of content management system but revision control, indexing, management of format, web-based publishing and retrieval are present in every CMS.

Properly used, it can transform any weak website in narcotic and non-profit organization. Good content gives an upper hand over the competition, it is the best way to move your website to survive and the online competition. Changing content, and processing afterregular interval of time, this system makes the work easier without any hassle. In the absence of adequate knowledge about the CMS and the content would be created, your website certainly affected.

If content is managed efficiently, the website delivers positive returns. It reduces operating costs and raised the profit percentage.

Site can be managed without the technical installation of programming. Better management of Web content isCMS is actually what all about. Content management system makes the work more smoothly within the organization and with customers.

If used intellectually, you can claim that reporting on the work history and accountability of the entire content system. It would be the insight into what has been changed to give content to what were the changes and the frequency.

Content management system helps to maintain consistency across all web pages on your site prefer to level.More professional-looking Web pages can be achieved by this system, making it a great success on the Internet.

Copyright © 2008

Monday, February 8, 2010

Content Management At Law Firms

Law Firms need a good content management system to ensure that all content is stored, archived and delivered when needed, without wasting time. Bills, affidavits, wills, contracts, memos, and tracking billable hours for each client, are just some of the many documents that are generated by firms. Content management in law firms, therefore, a goal that must be carefully implemented.

Good content management systems arerecognized need for law firms, because from all its activities on well-documented data. Keeping all documents safe and secure is of paramount importance for law firms.

Firms to have a content management system that addresses their needs and select the system affordability and scalability. Technological advances have led the development of software that integrate into the existing software and requires no user training. They areuser-friendly, that navigation and operation simple.

Firms save digitally scanned data. You need a good system so that the stored data as quickly as possible by accelerating retrieve keyword searching, retrieving. The system has enabled them to work freely, so that changes are made in real time. The authorized personnel should be able to make changes and save the changes. At the same time should have read access to another format "Only theDocument, while the changes will be made. These systems ensure that adequate security is available and that unauthorized persons do not misuse data. They provide a usage log that the people who viewed and modified, and can track specific documents, the preservation of the original and the revised document.

To save time, these systems easy to install, taking only a few hours, ensuring the content management efficient and organized. You should be able to integratehelp with intranet, internet, extranet and remote access systems, effective control over documents and ensure cost-effectiveness.

Content management in law firms requires an undisturbed accurate and current data stored in the archives. These systems must also be able to create, manage, access, manage, and track documents. You need to allow multiple users to access documents from anywhere, unless they be entitled to be communicated to the data.

Before purchasing aContent management system, law firms need, their need for a content management system, scout for good systems in their household, check out the features available to analyze and select the system that is most suitable content management in law firms is a very crucial, aspect that is the way the company operates defined.

Many companies offer services and products to help run a business efficiently.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Management - Do You Have a Controlling Personality?

When you manifest what by many as a "controlling personality" then I am sure that there are associated a high level of stress and fatigue with such a condition.

This is because "controlling" behavior is characterized by a deep fear that you're related does not generate "under control" of others and your environment. If you think about it for a moment, the idea that you feel powerless and vulnerable to your situation inevitably creates fear, and with it a necessity, these stem cellsFeelings in yourself.

Well, what better "way than" control "those factors that make you anxious, right? Wrong!

Why not? So first, because it is impossible to control everything in your environment. Try and you will see what I mean. No matter how much effort you have entered, you still afraid and drained at the end of the day. What's more, this just feeds into your feelings of helplessness and vulnerability, and the situationworse.

Secondly, the problem is not in the uncertainty that is inherently part of your environment, it is in you!

What is the problem, you ask? Good for each, there is "emotional landmines" (see my article on Emotional Landmines ") in this ezine, the inner states of unpleasant emotions such as anxiety, fear, shame, guilt, envy, jealousy, cause inadequacy, low self-esteem, low self-esteem etc.

Such mines were under in you while you were growinglike a child. They are deeply held in your body and mind and have a private life, much to your detriment.

If something happens in your life, that one of these landmines in you causing you to experience at some level, one or more of these unpleasant feelings. Well, because they are "uncomfortable" there is a tendency to have learned from early childhood, to try to erase the feelings.

Try one of them, as I already mentioned, to put out the "triggering" stimulus in theEnvironment. Well, that's like trying to people from it on a real landmines if you do not even know where she is prevented.

Is it not better to look only to them and diffuse them once and for all? Is this approach did not you feel safer, quieter, more energy, more relaxed, etc.?

Now there is a new coaching process that can only do with your emotional landmines. To learn more or to 1 hours of experience in a free introductorytelephone advice, visit the website below.

To learn more, please visit the web link below where you will find an audio example of MRP free for you to download and experience.