Thursday, February 25, 2010

Women in management and because we

Here, we are only forty years after the first women burned bras and more - we have full equality in the modern workplace. Make no mistake: this is simply not enough! Our workplaces are, in essence, despite everything, still male-dominated hierarchies in the old model of command and control management of the generally accepted date, then.

To examine this issue in a pragmatic way, men and womenotherwise wired people - and not a joke - they actually have these differences in brain anatomy. So what? Now, this means that in reality it does, then the two sexes think differently, which means that men are the majority of prisoners are male dominance hierarchies thinking - we need more women in management.

Our companies should promote more women in positions of leadership. This is not a diatribe that someone has said, the unjust status quo - is a concrete proposal for aSolution for many organizations today. To break the routine, you'll see that many of our organizations to implement, we need a new approach and this approach is just outside the traditional model.

In the book of costume 8 Stephen Covey, who advocates the creation of a "new paradigm" - a new card - the practice of modern management in the workplace. Suggests that the old command and control leadership style deathwater, and a new style for the 21st century is necessary. My belief is that the paradigm shift can be accessed by attracting more women to positions of leadership in our organizations.

The female brain is known that the connections between the hemispheres of the brain than men. This anatomic evidence of May, the popular notion that women are better able to multitask than men. It is this fundamental difference in the wiring, which is responsiblefor a holistic style of thinking women - a greater commitment of the right hemisphere of the brain involved in the process of solving problems.

It's time for a revolution in management circles. It is time for the rightful place of women as full equal modern take on the job. Organizations, the courage to recognize the effectiveness of this measure shall prevail, and eventually be followed by others.