Monday, July 26, 2010

The seven deadly sins of management

Pride. Envy. Gula. Lust. Anger. Greed. Sloth. You acknowledge that the seven deadly sins or themes for television in prime time. However, probably as a child who is badly taught, and they should not. made for the purposes of this section, as you were taught to think ill still commit sins in the workplace.

As a leader, continually discover new techniques and theories. Hammer and Champy's Business ProcessRe-Engineering Models, McKinsey 7-S framework and strategic triangle Kenichi Ohmae 3C are examples of models developed policy frameworks to think about their business in innovative ways. What is on top of all models and conditions are subject to a number of fundamental characteristics that every leader must possess, if he or she is shown as a lasting success Have leaders.

In my career as a leader, I'm lucky, experience awide range of situations in which leaders sometimes know a great success, with experience at other times of disaster. Looking at my failures, many of them had nothing to do with a theory, framework or technology that was used to. The defeat was with tears in their basic characteristics that make me too vulnerable as a leader of the left. We cooked the seven deadly sins, the focus of this article will help you become an effective leader.

Sin # 1 -Arrogance

Have you ever met a manager who always claimed to know more than the rest of the team? What about those who were not willing to listen to opposing viewpoints? Is it not a sign of confidence? What's wrong with that?

Confidence as a manager is essential that people see, especially when things get rough. When running amok and turns to arrogance, contempt, team manager. Show respect and trust and will do well. Removal of respect and you're justan arrogant idiot.

Sin # 2 - Indecision

In order to have a meeting on Monday and the administration agree on a plan of action. Last Tuesday, the administrator chooses a different path of action. Thursday ', the director returns to Monday during the action. The following Monday is back to re-evaluate the same problem last Monday. Done.

Decision based on the transmission, listen to those around them, then take the best decision forProject to understand the rest of the team, and sticks A. Although team members did not agree with the decision, you should be able to see why. Decisions without notice and without a hearing and ultimately defeat, the White team in the back.

Sin # 3 - disruption

We all know that the manager, who asked some acquaintances the same information that keeps his head to top things in writing, or is so hectic that are about tospontaneous combustion. Their rupture causes of stress and frustration necessary for the project team.

The manager must have opened a clear path for staff must be made from beginning to end and make sure the ball moves forward every day of draft. The disorganization leads to frustration, which leads to empathy or anarchy.

Sin # 4 - stubbornness

In one of my early work on the project was a month late on a project for three months. Idenied, the timetable for the project "is the change of time, reducing the quality and the elimination of duties. Although the project team told me we were in deep yogurt, stubbornly continued. I ended up never seeing the end of the project because my stubbornness, I was dismissed as head of the project. Talk about your 2x4 to the head.

The manager believes that his vision of reality is on the right track, but it is essential that both the equilibriumThe outlook for the rest of the project team. Decision without listening to the team leads to stubbornness.

Sin # 5 - negative

Some years ago, chief executive of one of my peers, in their zeal to "expectations" ceases to discuss the project in a negative light. Concentrate on what was not the work has been done, what the new edition of the week, have not done their job. His negative attitude to work, people and undermined the purpose of energy projectThe enthusiasm and passion for the job. It 'was a self-fulfilling prophecy, the project failed, because he wanted the project to failure.

It 's simple, a project manager is half empty glass "is an incentive and terrible energy of a team of SAP. That does not mean you have a bright, happy all the time, but the project manager who really know what he or she is, and should encourage the positive side, the team starts to believe.

Sin # 6 -Cowardice

Imagine the director, who, when pressed on a budget or schedule, team members, stakeholders, or someone else's fault, that May have contributed to its failure. Much easier to associate with the guilt and the game only because things were not going as planned. What a Weenie.

It's OK for moderation and personal weaknesses and errors. develop a leader is unable to continue his leadership qualitiesThey must first recognize their mistakes and learn from them, but the last to recognize their errors.

Sin # 7 - unreliability

In short, managers appear to have the necessary skills, show wisdom in their decisions or demonstrate integrity can not be trusted. For the team really have confidence in their leaders, managers must believe that the ability to manage the project must have the wisdom of sound business decisions, and integritysupply interests of the team before them. To take one of these attributes, and this is a matter of time before the manager was voted off the island.