Wednesday, September 22, 2010


To understand what corporate governance in the first place, we must renew our understanding of the meaning of society, "the word. 'In general, companies that have produced many large and divisions that provide products and services to consumers and notes businesses. Now, to launch this serious problem, the power of man is very important. These companies must appoint a Board of Directors, in turn, select and assign different tasksa group of experts to perform the operations of the company. The council in turn acts as a consultant for the company.

Because there is a wide range of tasks in a society that functions of management, divided into several divisions y. Some of these series are the CEO or the CEO as President, Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Deputy Director of Operations(COO), and so on. In each of these agents, there are other specific toolbars for the proper functioning of society.

In the process of corporate governance, different styles are adopted by these companies. Several options are available on a daily basis, which is evident in the way of treatment, and is not always possible for them to work together. Some styles come to be of help in the management, ie, central anddecentralized management. These styles help the company bring positive results and cause less clear.

decision-making process requires a central level decisions that emphasize the work on supply chain management for senior managers can soften. This type of management, more accurate results, but the request may take time. But for most companies as the most educated and do wellDecisions, and you can trust. On the other hand, the management of telework, for all power to the managers of each department in the management of business processes.

But there are problems with the decentralized management. This is due to a number of cases of various employees to make decisions at various levels, as they have the power to sometimes become harmful to society,lost by the company may suffer. Time is also lost, because the level of the correction of errors in handling high-level dedicated work. It creates a bad sense of competition among the staff, and start working in their interests and not the company.

A wise decision that companies can make experts and consultants has increased in numbers in recent years to rent. These companies and explain their concerns aboutcurrent style, and suggest possible changes to improve the management styles of business of the company.

In recent years the world has seen corporate fraud, because people have become skeptical. People began to think about how these companies handle the management of large companies who are forced by their method of work.