Friday, January 21, 2011

Management Information System

Definition: Management Information System

MIS is a combination of human and computer based system, which takes input both from inside and outside the environment of business, then store, calculate, analysis, summaries data and finally generate the output reports in various form to the various level of management for all business purposes to take timely and correctly decision for the organization and so how they control the business functions.

MIS is helpful to the manager to take the structured decision. MIS reports are also helpful to compare the current performance with the historical record.

MIS work on such data which are captured by the TPS system so the TPS is the base of the MIS. MIS report generated periodically, i.e. Weekly, Monthly, Yearly and so on.

Problems with MIS

1. Lack of planning:

Before doing any activity the essential step is planning, at least rough plan should be there so that business can know what it the next step to do and in this way manager can control the behavior of the organization, otherwise it is a team without caption.

2. Lack of interest by the management in implementation of MIS:

Because the management are the key people of the organization and without there committed support how is it possible to the real implementation of the MIS into business so that they can gain some more.

3. Short use of computer system:

Today's computer are able to perform a job into the milliseconds which the number of human cannot able to do it in into the number of weeks. So if you get the benefits then you must have to use computer with MIS.

4. Not enough computer knowledge by the management:

Computer knowledge is essential for the smooth and fast work of the organization. Technology change the way of performing the job.

5. Poor involvement of the information specialist team:

Without the creative ideas, suggestions, opinion, discussion it's too tough to walk along with our competitors. So information specialist team gives total contribution into the MIS in terms of updating of technology.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Career Management Defined

Career self-management is controlled by the concerned individual and includes certain plans and information applicable for future career decision-making and problem solving. It is comprised of continuously improving the existent conditions at the present work place and preparing yourself for a change. Career self-management and organizational career management are not restricted and can actually help to promote each other.

Common Misconceptions

Listed below are some of the common misconceptions about career management:

o Most people think that the most skilled candidate is likely to be selected. However, this is not true. Candidates with limited qualifications avail of a number of job opportunities because of the way they prepare and present themselves. In short, they self-market themselves in the required manner. Being skilled or qualified is not the only criteria. You must be able to convince the employer that you are the most suitable candidate for the job.

o Most people feel that as long as they already have a job, they don't really need to work on their careers. Again, this not true. Whether or not you are employed currently, you should be prepared for change, in whatever form. To steer clear of any career-related disasters, you should implement the concept of 'Perpetual Career Management' to enhance your career growth.

o Professional education should not stop when you graduate. You should always explore ways to increase your knowledge. You should be constantly updating your skills via journals, seminars and pursuing certifications. These choices should be a part of your consistent career development effort.

o Don't be under the misconception that your job is secure if you work hard and do a good job. With current mergers, outsourcing, downsizing and an unstable economy, there is no job that is entirely secure. You must be fully responsible for the future prospects of your chosen career.

What Graduates Have In Store For Them

Organizations in the United States and other developed countries have been following a trend of employing only the best university graduates to prepare them for future leadership within the organization. However, apprehensions about the proceeds in investing long-term in career development has led many organizations to wonder if this conventional stress on the management of graduate careers should be continued. Employers are now wondering whether they should promote self-management or whether they should continue with the traditional methods of career management.

Similarly, graduates are also faced with a problem. They need to decide whether they should engage in self-management or whether they need to adhere and prepare for the traditional methods already in use. Organizational commitment is important in shaping the responses to career development practices and in acting as chief indicators of the influence of these practices.

Nevertheless, there has been very little research done to sufficiently investigate the impact of career management practices, in spite of the evidence that these practices are capable of making a positive contribution.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Interim Management Services to increase power

Today, many companies prefer to deal with the management services of the workflow on an interim cost-effectiveness. With increasing competition, every organization needs a way to increase productivity to the next without any major changes in the cost of the labor market. Many British companies have also preferred to temporary staff to manage their work. There are several reasons for the company as much emphasis on this type of contractStructures.

One of the reasons for the growing popularity of the emergency services is a significant increase in the quantity of production. Often, the workflow for an increase of some companies for a temporary period and will not be done by existing staff of the excessive workload. What is the job for a temporary period, companies prefer not to hire permanent staff for the job. Therefore the company can not arrangeThe production and low productivity are to be met.

But with the availability of facilities management for hiring temporary, it is very difficult time for the company to appoint personnel for temporary employment. With the appointment of staff to manage the flow of regular employment, organizations can easily increase their production capacity during this period. Since these are specific settings for a short period, the companyhave to pay if it did work.

The agency are available for regular activities and increases their service, until the flow of work remains high. Many organizations use temporary workers in various sectors to increase their production and performance of its claim. While the preliminary results of those recruited to increase the flow of work, does not increase the output level by taking a few people.

To increaseLevel of the organization that is always necessary to nominate candidates who are best suited to the task. All candidates have the same skill level. Therefore, it is better to assess their qualifications for the position made the appointment. There are many consulting firms that offer the candidates on a temporary basis, so the company is not looking too good for the candidate.

Although it is not very difficult to find the right people for the job,It can be difficult for organizations to new employees hired for a temporary period to manage. If you reach your goal and you want the most workers, it is necessary to correctly handle the new recruits and assigning the task to complete on schedule. During the transfer of functions to the temporary bars, one must understand that these people are appointed for a specified period and must give orders to onlythey are appointed. Good personnel management is very important to increase the level of performance.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Facilities Management Services

"Facilities management" is a term for a type of business service, the meaning of which often escapes people unfamiliar with it. The term itself makes no reference as to what the facilities in question might be, or in what manner they are being manages, or even why this service is important enough to warrant specialized facilities management consultant companies. "Facilities management" can refer to a range of different, but related services. The facilities in question are buildings - usually those used for commercial purposes, like office buildings and warehouses - and "management" refers to the day-to-day operation, administration and repair of the various systems in the building, including the air conditioning, elevators or power systems. The owner of this commercial building would hire a facilities management consultancy in order to administrate any or all of the building's systems for them.

There are a few possible reasons why a company would rather outsource its building matters in this fashion rather than conducting it themselves. They may not have the in-house resources needed to properly manage their facilities, or hiring a specialized FM service may be a good method to save themselves time and money, and may also be able to reduce the company's impact on the environment through energy consumption.

A dedicated FM consultancy will obviously accumulate a lot more experience in the field of facilities management than other companies, and as a result of this they can generally run a building's facilities much more efficiently and at much lower cost than an unspecialised company. This, therefore, saves the company that owns the building money, as the cost of hiring the facilities management consultants is less than the cost of operating their building's facilities and systems themselves.

In one way that an independent consultancy can manage a building's facilities more efficiently is by reducing the building's energy consumption. This reduces the costs to the company that's paying the electricity bill, but it also helps to prevent damage to the natural environment. Thirty to forty percent of an average country's carbon emissions come about as a direct result of energy consumption by buildings, so reducing buildings' energy consumption in this way can prevent a large amount of damage to the environment.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

How to Improve Working Capital Management

"Cash is the lifeblood of business" is an oft-repeated maxim amongst financial managers. Working capital management refers to the management of current or short-term assets and short-term liabilities. Components of short-term assets include inventories, loans and advances, debtors, investments and cash and bank balances. Short-term liabilities include creditors, trade advances, borrowings and provisions. The major emphasis is, however, on short-term assets, since short-term liabilities arise in the context of short-term assets. It is important that companies minimize risk by prudent working capital management.

What Affects Working Capital Management:

o Organizations are generally focused on cash, accounts payable and supply chain issues. On the hand, external issues like the legal and business environment, or internal mechanisms like organization structure, information systems, can significantly impact working capital.

o Owing to market pressures, companies are led to paying a lot of attention to producing good quarterly results quarter after quarter. Undue focus on this may sometimes produce a flattering but inaccurate snapshot of working capital performance. This also happens in companies that have a marked seasonality of operations with working capital requirements varying widely from quarter to quarter.

Measures to Improve Working Capital Management:

o The essence of effective working capital management is proper cash flow forecasting. This should take into account the impact of unforeseen events, market cycles, loss of a prime customer and actions by competitors. The effect of unforeseen demands of working capital should be factored in.

o It pays to have contingency plans to tide over unexpected events. While market-leaders can manage uncertainty better, even other companies must have risk-management procedures. These must be based on objective and realistic view of the role of working capital.

o Addressing the issue of working capital on a corporate-wide basis has certain advantages. Cash generated at one location can well be utilized at another. For this to happen, information access, efficient banking channels, good linkages between production and billing, internal systems to move cash and good treasury practices should be in place.

o An innovative approach, combining operational and financial skills and an all-encompassing view of the company's operations will help in identifying and implementing strategies that generate short-term cash. This can be achieved by having the right set of executives who are responsible for setting targets and performance levels. They are then held accountable for delivering, encouraged to be enterprising and to act as change agents.

o Effective dispute management procedures in relation to customers will go along way in freeing up cash otherwise locked in due to disputes. It will also improve customer service and free up time for legitimate activities like sales, order entry and cash collection. Overall, efficiency will increase due to reduced operating costs.

o Collaborating with your customers instead of being focused only on own operations will also yield good results. If feasible, helping them to plan their inventory requirements efficiently to match your production with their consumption will help reduce inventory levels. This can be done with suppliers also.

Working capital management is an important yardstick to measure a company operational and financial efficiency. This aspect must form part of the company's strategic and operational thinking. Efforts should constantly be made to improve the working capital position. This will yield greater efficiencies and improve customer satisfaction.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Asset Management Human Factor

A level of professional management is the key to all activities. Usually, people think of asset management for investment. People are active and must be managed professionally.

Everyone learns at school or motivational seminars that employees are a resource, the most valuable asset of an organization. Nothing is true. Companies and other organizations have a plan for success. In reality, they need more than one plane. Business Plan Directorate-General 's organization and strategic plans to achieve organizational objectives are achieved. The organization's asset management plans remain on track with the extension. Human Asset Management is usually) called resource management (HRM and is undoubtedly the key to maintaining a healthy body.

To answer what is the role of human resource management in the company, all those interested in exactly what human resources are human capital must be raised> Administration and why the body is not just a personnel department. In the past, the organization simply supervisors responsible for employees who perform tasks in exchange for their wages and benefits. A staff that salaries and benefits, and that was in a container, avoiding the limitation of liability of the Human Resources Department. human resource management goes far beyond the limited scope. Organizations, human resource management have a real benefit in its structure completely. Managers and supervisorsOrganizations have the human capital management are required to specify the objectives the organization of information in the file. human resource management requires organizations to provide efficiently all the resources necessary for its operation.

The requirements of textbooks for a person with rights management in an asset owned by the Human Resources Department that they need a strategic partner, but must also be an agent of change. Act as a sample of employees. Act asManagement arm. In short, are an interface between management and employees.

The real man Asset Management Organisation Human Resources includes many features required for the above conditions and contribute to the achievement of organizational goals. The most common features are:

1. organizational design a. human resource management staff to play an active role in all forms of business planning b. Human resource management is to help ensure that the human capacityare taken into account in planning and programming will include the provision of resources for those working in the plane

2. Recruitment of employees is the best for the organization a. Human Resource Management examines how best to adapt, given the needs of the organization b. Human Resource Management determines where and how to recruit the necessary staff for the quality and skills, organization

3. A. The process of selecting competitive elements, such as the assessment will be arranged by the Human Resources Departmentb. Human Resource Management manages four of the competition.

management skills of all members of a. Human Resource Management determines the skill level of individual members

5. Improving the skills of human resources management a. consult its members how to improve their skills b. members of the human resources department has helped to organize training programs (classes)

6. A. Control the management of the identified human resource training, what training is needed or not in the best interest of the organization b.Human Resource Management is responsible for the training programs organized by C. Human Resource Management evaluates training programs for the training of sufficient value to the organization

7. a. Provide staff training as a counselor, assisting in the management of human resources for members interested in continuing their studies

8. traditional personnel management

9. Management salaries and benefits

a. The tenth time management Human Resource Management Studies efficient use of time inb. organization develops the human resource management and time management solutions to improve the city

11. R. The cost of personnel management resources management should consider other solutions in all forms of staff costs in order to reduce costs, better service or benefit from a greater explosion of the U.S. dollar organization

12. Performance evaluation and assessment

13. Industrial relations

14. Industrial relations

Human Asset Management is something like the old schoolHuman Resources Department. It is much larger scope, responsibility and authority. human resource management is essential to the success of any organization. Human Resource Management is responsible for managing human capital in the best interest of the organization and its individual members. Human Asset Management is committed organization chooses the right people to provide them with all the resources necessary for development to further improve the speed and keep the organization in a highly productiveThe fashion for a long time.