Thursday, January 20, 2011

Career Management Defined

Career self-management is controlled by the concerned individual and includes certain plans and information applicable for future career decision-making and problem solving. It is comprised of continuously improving the existent conditions at the present work place and preparing yourself for a change. Career self-management and organizational career management are not restricted and can actually help to promote each other.

Common Misconceptions

Listed below are some of the common misconceptions about career management:

o Most people think that the most skilled candidate is likely to be selected. However, this is not true. Candidates with limited qualifications avail of a number of job opportunities because of the way they prepare and present themselves. In short, they self-market themselves in the required manner. Being skilled or qualified is not the only criteria. You must be able to convince the employer that you are the most suitable candidate for the job.

o Most people feel that as long as they already have a job, they don't really need to work on their careers. Again, this not true. Whether or not you are employed currently, you should be prepared for change, in whatever form. To steer clear of any career-related disasters, you should implement the concept of 'Perpetual Career Management' to enhance your career growth.

o Professional education should not stop when you graduate. You should always explore ways to increase your knowledge. You should be constantly updating your skills via journals, seminars and pursuing certifications. These choices should be a part of your consistent career development effort.

o Don't be under the misconception that your job is secure if you work hard and do a good job. With current mergers, outsourcing, downsizing and an unstable economy, there is no job that is entirely secure. You must be fully responsible for the future prospects of your chosen career.

What Graduates Have In Store For Them

Organizations in the United States and other developed countries have been following a trend of employing only the best university graduates to prepare them for future leadership within the organization. However, apprehensions about the proceeds in investing long-term in career development has led many organizations to wonder if this conventional stress on the management of graduate careers should be continued. Employers are now wondering whether they should promote self-management or whether they should continue with the traditional methods of career management.

Similarly, graduates are also faced with a problem. They need to decide whether they should engage in self-management or whether they need to adhere and prepare for the traditional methods already in use. Organizational commitment is important in shaping the responses to career development practices and in acting as chief indicators of the influence of these practices.

Nevertheless, there has been very little research done to sufficiently investigate the impact of career management practices, in spite of the evidence that these practices are capable of making a positive contribution.