Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What are the causes of management problems at work?

Another thing that a system

Many management systems are far from a system. These organizations are a group of people, habits, attitudes and expectations. The management is mainly driven by external behavior (the largest) and motivation (clean). At work, there is often too much competition among people who receive as teamwork and cooperation.

What are the causes of disconnection?

often dependsThe confusion about what is expected. Many managers do not have time to communicate clearly the desired state of a program or set of goals. In many cases the managers have their own managers are not clear. The problem may be systemic.

The management system is fast these days

Managers are often caught in a cycle of needs and requirements. The best managers are able to cope effectively. Take nothing personallyand are able to take a step back in the heat of the moment and look at the whole picture.

Want to be the best manager?

It 's really an important question to answer. Some people love their work for others. Some people like to do the same jobs. First, decide what works best for you. both can not be accepted. management requires the ability of police forces in various modes of public transport. The point is always directedmomentum and flow of energy to solve problems and keep your emotions under control.

One way to address the role of management

Learn to accept change! The workplace is changing. The best managers are able to accept change and many more. The best thing to come, expect a daily basis is changing, and even thrive in the work. If there is no change in organizational life, the whole system begins to die slowly. The creativity is gone, the motivation is low andthe environment is declining.

Collaboration or competition?

Top managers allow their people to be creative, challenge the status quo, and cooperation. Want to promote cooperation or competition? On the one hand, people are told to work together and yet they are classified and assessed each other. This promotes a culture of survival of the fittest. While some argue that this could be healthy, I would say, to destroy crops and morality in timesevere occupational burnout.

Lack of confidence

Another factor leading to poor management and lack of confidence. If people come to work, must carry all their luggage at home. Bring the concerns of the will, the ability to move forward and be heard, to contribute. The work of the fear is greater for those who do not know at a deep level. Top managers need to be a strong sense of who I am, what moreimportant as most of their important values are aligned with their work. But it is difficult to open, outgoing and caring. Worse, if there is a crisis, often in the workplace, these same officials, not prison guards, the Heads of State and Government for their people.

Top managers align organizational mission, values and behaviors

Many organizations do a great problem of mission statements and then fail to communicate the importance of these statements. Worse,There are some attempts to define and align organizational values of the mission. Top managers take the time to communicate with clarity and example of how to align the organization's mission and values. Otherwise, there is often no consensus among the board administrator.

Top managers to manage their own values with the organization

It 'important for the management of critical thinking and promotes organizational management. It 'also importantensure that their values are aligned with the first organization. It 's easy to say, the Executive Director with a passion that just run vs how robots. Employees can easily see the difference!

Manager-best strategies and plans

This is well explained "why" of organizational strategies and plans. He noted that people know, "how" to see if they, the "why." Too often managers give instructions withoutThe considerations that went into the decision in the first place. If people feel that their managers do not share with them strategies that leave their hearts at home and continue work only for their bodies.

Teaching sessions

To make a good manager must be comfortable with teaching. There are several ways to teach during the day dawn, because the problems. As children need adults for errors that were made and better understand the options for next time. ArmExecutives rely on punishment and threats, which only leads to more bad behavior by fear.

Improving the organization of work

I often wonder how organizations and their leaders serious initiatives to improve their products, but little to the same people who take to develop and manufacture these products. Best assist managers in their people to improve their work. This can happen only through the support and understanding. In addition, managers are often identified withPeople. I used to use a simple procedure. I met twice a week with each employee. I used to discuss the first 30 minutes, he wanted to speak. If it was my turn, I have three questions. In exchange for your work, what more do you want less to do and how can I help? This process has given me a lot of leverage.

Management is working

For best results with the work of people is difficult. It requires patience, strong andfrequent communication and empathy in many cases. The main organizational problems can be solved again and again for simple things. This goes a long way to solve management problems in one. It will also enable people to improve and better target their supporters.

Craig Nathanson