Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Leadership styles

With the way the business world has its price, there are certain rules and methods, style, decided to implement to ensure that the organization runs smoothly and management. That said, there are different types of management four species, in particular, and autocratic, paternalistic, democratic, laissez-faire.

autocratic style of leadership allows a company to work argues that a common pattern of decisions andDecisions. This allows the company to a foundation of trust without discharge lines to be built. An authoritarian manager, in general, and the power of being in charge and usually form a close relationship with the top so that it can be under the agreement together and get it faster. In the best interest of workers in hand, are the final decision to say no to another.

Then comes the paternalistic style of management focus is more on Employees need to buy, social relations with them and take the time to meet you too. The director makes the final decision, but leave room for the voices and opinions, comments, and generally looking for their colleagues. This style is closely related to the autocratic, but he is responsible for the opinions of other trends.

This is the best democratic management, it is usually more than that. The key to democracy> Management is a good two-way communication, as it focuses on the promotion of teamwork given their decisions themselves and form their own. In general, managers who perform general management of these functions.

Then there is the management of laissez-faire was not the best style of management. Usually the group is divided into zones and managers working on their task while managing two-way communication open, but on the basisin a very professional level.

In short, when it comes to style of functioning must choose the most appropriate management