Monday, November 22, 2010

The differences between management and leadership

"Management and Leadership", these words are in general tend to be together. Connected? There are differences between them? This is a discussion for some time and is yet to come for some time. It's' acts of a common topic of discussion in various courses in business and management. The fact is that if you can not escape the problem of improving the training and management of all typesProgram.

A leader is someone who leads, while a manager is handling. This is not fun, but we have to start somewhere and what better than the basic definitions. The biggest difference is perceived as another, is how to motivate them. In life nothing is black or white, not gray. Similarly, a manager can be a leader and vice versa. Therefore, you can use a combination of both.

materials management training, which will informManagers have subordinates. Managers are given certain powers of the company and his subordinates what they said. The incentive to do for a child who is the director of the award that is given, "he said. Therefore, if the subject is, as he says, the reward. They are the blind robot, but the incentive is to act accordingly . However, the leaders have a following. And what follows is a voluntary activity. Leaders do not tell people what to do, rather thanshow them how to take the initiative comes first. Leaders who show that if the leaders continue to meet the desires of your heart.

Which of course is the subject of a manager? Training programs for management and administration will tell you that the main objective of a manager is responsible. They are paid to do things. After all, they must be subordinated to some other operators. They often have deadlines looming sonot to focus on something else. The heads of health through people. You have a way to blame the people who give credit to others and to do so. This creates a loyal audience around them. This does not mean it's very nice to his fans. On the contrary, most of them have a certain freshness to preserve their mystique.

Managers seem to find the easy life. They are the planners and avoid risks. To avoid situations thatlead to conflict and prefer to have cordial relations with others. The leaders, however, seem to seek risk. Not that they are looking for excitement. The fact is that leaders have a vision and are ready for any problems with the vision of a face of reality.

There is a difference of perspective on both. While the managers think that little by little, the leader of a radical attitude. You've all heard the phrase "Managers do things right, while leaderswhat to do. Thus, while managers tend to think of the book, managers are more inclined to go with your intuition. An administrator is pragmatic, while a leader is more emotional. Then follow leaders because they tend to reach an emotional level. Directors are generally composed of people who know their country is in these people's vision of how the whole system. A leader of the side and you can add a new model with new ideas, but without the necessaryThe experience and wisdom to make it work.

Thus, the two never found? Are and what they do. As any expert in management education explain a great coach is someone who is also a good leader. But for a manager to be effective, can be not only a leader. He has the formal power management to be truly effective. Similarly, a leader must have certain qualities of leadership when he has to realize his vision. We can continue on the differences between the management andLeadership. Understanding the differences is needed to make work more productive. What are the training and management that our management.